
Friday, August 12, 2011

Actual conversation

Me: They should totally have a service where you call someone and they immediately come to your house and kill a roach for you.  I would pay good money for this.

K: Really?  How much would you be willing to pay?  Like fifteen, twenty dollars?

Me: I was thinking more like a hundred…

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The workers at Chipotle will soon know us by name

So, when it comes to food, my problem is that when I find something I love, I eat it over and over and over again until it I can no longer stand to look at it. And I know when it’s happening, and I know I can eat other things. I just DON’T WANT TO.  So, sorry Chipotle.  You’ve got a couple more weeks before you become “that place I used to love before I got sick of it because I ate it non-stop for three weeks straight.”  

Office happenings

Yesterday at work, I was sitting in my office and through the paper thin walls I heard some guy sigh for about 8 seconds, by far the longest sigh I've ever heard (by at least 6 seconds).  The funny thing is my office is not adjacent to any offices that house men... So perhaps it was a very long, very loud sigh. Yeah, I feel you, buddy.

Speaking of offices, I recently cleaned out my work-at-home office.  Despite the fact I will probably never use them, I decided that these items were worthy of saving (aka, taking up space):

- Not one but two graphing calculators... You know, in case there's a calculating EMERGENCY and one isn't working and my computer simultaneously isn't working, I'll think, Wow, I'm glad I have a backup.
A general overabundance of office supplies.  More pens than will ever be used (I'm sure the ink will dry up in many before they ever have the chance to touch paper, especially since I generally prefer pencils instead), more pencils than will ever be used (especially since there are these things called word processors now), etc.
- Manuals.  I bet most of these manuals can be found online, so there's no need to save the hard copies.  Plus I don't think anyone in my generation even uses manuals. But in the event that the internet is down and there's a printing EMERGENCY, I have a trusty manual to reference.

Yeah. Prolonged sigh.

Monday, April 11, 2011

To sell or not to sell

In short, we're having a yard sale soon. The hardest part, for me at least, is deciding what is sold and what is kept. My over-analytical side can't do anything without laying out some rules first. So far, I've rounded up a good deal of things using the following logic:

if item will not be used in the next 12 months
  and item holds no sentimental value
  and item can be sold  /*meaning someone might actually want it (sorry, old underwear)*/
  then item gets sold;
else item gets kept;

So, this reasoning works pretty well for most things. But every now and then you run into an item that's iffy. Such as, a sleeping bag. Will it be used in the next 12 months? Most likely not. Does it hold sentimental value? No. Can it be sold? Sure, it's practically "like new". But should I keep it instead? Maybe. I'd hate to run into a situation 2 years from now where I need a sleeping bag and think, Crap! If only I'd kept that perfectly good, barely-been-used one we already had instead of selling it for 25 cents. 

Yeah. The verdict is still out, but I'm hoping I can remain steadfast and get that quarter. And more importantly, the extra space.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lions, Tigers, and... Giraffes! Oh my!

Can you ever have too many toys?  

The look on this face says "No".

Why glasses?

I think starting a first blog entry is almost as hard as coming up with a blog name. I jokingly told my husband I might just have to pick a few words at random, and use those as my blog title. Which is how this blog almost became "Peanut Butter Helmet".

Why "glasses required" then? Because I wear glasses, and love them. Clarification: I don't love having less than perfect vision, and certainly don't love my blurry view of the world when the glasses come off. But given that I have to correct my vision somehow, I pick glasses over surgery or contacts anyday. Let's face it, you see someone with glasses, and you probably subconsciously assume they have some intelligence. And there's a nerdy chic quality about them that you just can't replicate with anything else. It's fashion as much as it is a medical solution. Think Tina Fey, and you know what I'm getting at.

So I just smile when all you contact people complain about your dry eyes, infections, and lost contacts. Because most of the time, I don't even notice I have my glasses on. And when I do notice, I think it's pretty darn cool.