
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why glasses?

I think starting a first blog entry is almost as hard as coming up with a blog name. I jokingly told my husband I might just have to pick a few words at random, and use those as my blog title. Which is how this blog almost became "Peanut Butter Helmet".

Why "glasses required" then? Because I wear glasses, and love them. Clarification: I don't love having less than perfect vision, and certainly don't love my blurry view of the world when the glasses come off. But given that I have to correct my vision somehow, I pick glasses over surgery or contacts anyday. Let's face it, you see someone with glasses, and you probably subconsciously assume they have some intelligence. And there's a nerdy chic quality about them that you just can't replicate with anything else. It's fashion as much as it is a medical solution. Think Tina Fey, and you know what I'm getting at.

So I just smile when all you contact people complain about your dry eyes, infections, and lost contacts. Because most of the time, I don't even notice I have my glasses on. And when I do notice, I think it's pretty darn cool.

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